REACH vendors & buyers
ON social media

Are you a real estate agent looking to leverage social media to boost your agency’s profile?

In this information-packed guide, ex-agent and Director of Ruby Assembly,
Iolanthe Gabrie, shares her hard-won social media smarts
in the context of the real estate industry.


social media for real estate agents



learn more about social media for real estate agents

Forget generic SEO tips and marketing buzzwords that lack value – this practical guide features Ruby Assembly's four most important considerations for estate agencies and agents wanting to build a robust digital presence.

You’ll learn why vanity metrics don’t matter (and why your competitor’s 15k following is utterly irrelevant), why content is still king and how you can build legitimacy while fostering community engagement.

A neat digital companion to refer back to at any time, this guide will leave you with a sturdy understanding of the critical role of social media, and how you can start using its capabilities to nurture leads, hit your targets and grow your profile.


Get your free ebook "Social Media for Real Estate Agents".
Make social media work for you!