Ruby Assembly
in the Media

Check out our latest media appearances below.

parenthood as an entrepreneur

Hub Australia

How Parenthood Made Ruby Assembly’s Founder a Better Entrepreneur

Hub member and succesful entrepreneur Iolanthe Gabrie has used her skill as a parent to upskill as a business leader, and discovered a number of lessons available for parents and business leaders everywhere.

lawyers weekly social media

Lawyers Weekly

social Media more critical to firm success than ever before

According to Iolanthe Gabrie, the “powerful and strategic” use of social media is fundamentally important to the ongoing viability and success of a boutique law firm – this was the case, she said, even before the onset of coronavirus.

social media and social distancing

Neos Kosmos

Social media firm bridges the COVID-19 social distance divide

When it comes to social media and what it can provide, Iolanthe Gabrie of Ruby Assembly is worth listening to, especially in times like this. Ruby Assembly has been in operation since 2009 and is one of Melbourne’s oldest boutique social media organisations.