Social media is an essential element of success in the marketing mix of the modern accounting or broking practice.
Join digital marketing specialists Ruby Assembly for an interactive, engaging social media workshop focusing on best practice for accountants and brokers.
Whether you're a Director seeking to amplify your firm's reputation, an accountant or broker in startup focused on growing your influence or a practice administrator wanting to upskill - this snappy, clever session will give you the foundation necessary to create impactful content for your audience. Learn how to:
Make your Facebook and Instagram content relevant and shareable
Identify brand risks in the social media space
Develop a social media content plan
Avoid social media fails and deal with negative feedback
Unpack statistics and consider ROI for social media
Run competitions that engage
Build newsletters and write blogs your audience will actually want to read
With a limited class size of just eight participants and structured time for workshopping and questions, Ruby Assembly's Social Media for Accountants and Brokers workshop is an event you don't want to miss.
Learn how to win more business and build better client and referral relationships from Melbourne's specialist digital strategy team.
Light afternoon tea provided.